INVENIUM 4m Explainer - Edited-0224_02_preview.00_00_10_19.Still004.jpg


Explainer Video


Cutting edge blockchain technologies and crypto-based marketplaces can be complex and difficult to understand. As one of the premier brands in the space, INVENIAM Capital Partners was looking for a more concise way to explain how their data operating system and ecosystem of trusted partners are working to transform the future of private market data management in a DeFi environment.


After a discovery phase of learning the INVENIAM offering and digesting their existing collateral, KNGDM worked diligently with the INVENIAM founders to clarify their message and find consensus around simplified positioning statements. This was the first step in creating a content strategy that included a suite of “hero assets” to serve INVENIAM’s key audiences.

Our strategy centered around creating a digestible 90-second commercial along with several explainer videos, each brought to life through world-class production and animation. Through this process, KNGDM has helped INVENIAM revolutionize their positioning and expand their audience reach with simplified messaging and compelling video content.

Inveniam Explainer Video


Video Production
Illustration + Design
Sound Design

“The KNGDM team has revolutionized our ability to explain INVENIAM more effectively.”

— Patrick O’Meara, CEO of INVENIAM

The future of private market asset management is going to be driven by real-time access to trusted data. Less searching… and more finding.


Help the market find your asset and know your asset. When you want and how you want… with INVENIAM.


Work with KNGDM